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Chapter 7: UUCP

UUCP stands for "UNIX to UNIX Copy Program," and is a set of utilities that lets computers using versions of the UNIX operating system (such as IRIX) communicate with each other and with remote terminals. These utilities range from those used to copy files between computers (uucp and uuto), to those used for simple encoding and decoding (uuencode and uudecode), to those used for remote login and command execution (cu and uux).

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

The UUCP system is contained in the eoe2 subsystem of your IRIX distribution, in the package called eoe2.sw.uucp. Use the versions command to determine if you have this subsystem installed.

UUCP connections using telephone lines and modems are used to distribute electronic mail and "net news" among thousands of computers in the USENET network.

As an administrator, you need to be familiar with the administrative tools, logs, and database files used by UUCP. This chapter provides details about the UUCP files, directories, daemons, and commands.

Choosing TCP/IP or UUCP
Hardware Requirements for UUCP
UUCP Commands
UUCP Daemons
Supporting Databases
UUCP Administrative Files
Setting Up UUCP
UUCP Error Messages

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